Jeffrey Allen Scott is an acclaimed producer, composer, and educator. His mentors, Walter B. Saul (renowned composer) and Dennis Plies (Jazz performer and Educator), have had a profound impact on the broad palate, with which Scott writes, produces, and teaches today.
His work has been featured in songs, commercials, musicals, movies, and television with everyone ranging from Cole Haan, Union Bank, LINK, Discovery Channel, NFL Network, Swanson Studios, and Job Corps of America, to the World Parkinson’s Foundation.
After graduating summa cum laude from Warner Pacific College, he made his home in the pacific northwest, where he founded and currently operates the Allen Center for the Performing Arts. His dream is to build a facility, employing top notch professionals, with whom he will impact and influence the next generation of leaders and creators through education and training in the performing arts. This community-centered facility would be accessible and available to those who would not normally gain such advanced opportunities.